The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a federal agency with local offices across the country. The SSA administers a variety of benefit programs funded by payroll contributions. Workers can secure retirement benefits if they have a substantial work history and...
Social Security Disability
What are the 3 main requirements to qualify for SSDI benefits?
People who develop disabling medical conditions often worry about how they will support themselves and their family members. They have utility payments to make and groceries to buy even though they cannot work because of their health. Social Security Disability...
A benefits denial is far from the end of an SSDI benefits claim
Ever since you started your first job as a 16-year-old, you have paid into the Social Security program. Payroll withholdings cover your income tax requirements and help you build credits with the Social Security Administration (SSA). For a very small subset of...
How to apply for Social Security Disability
Social Security Disability benefits can provide you with an income if you cannot work due to a disability. The requirements to get these benefits are quite strict. You must meet a precise definition of disability, which may not coincide with other agencies'...